Baby Naming Ceremonies

baby naming ceremony

Baby Naming Ceremony

What better way to celebrate the arrival and officially welcome a gorgeous new baby into your family, than to bring everyone together for a Naming Day.

What is a Naming Day all about?

A Naming Day is a lovely way for parents to introduce their new baby to all the most important people in his or her world, and celebrate the happy arrival.

Family and friends gather for a joy-filled day of cooing over the beautiful baby, breathing in that heavenly ‘new baby smell’, sharing some inspiring and heartfelt words, having fun and making memories together.

Whether your bub is a brand newbie, or you’ve chosen to combine a Naming Day celebration with your little one’s first birthday, or go all-in with a Naming Day for all your kiddos at once, I would be tickled pink (or blue, or a lovely natural, non-gendered tone) to hand-craft a delightful naming ceremony especially to suit your family.

Tell me about your Naming Day plans….