Civil Marriage Ceremonies

Creating Your Perfect Wedding Ceremony

Woohoo – your wedding day is just around the corner… and it’s going to be a day you’ll remember for the rest of your life. So let’s make it the best wedding you’ve ever been to!

Your marriage ceremony will be a true reflection of you as a couple, because as your wedding celebrant, I’ll take the time to get to know the real ‘you’… Your sense of humour, your love story, what you mean to each other… All that good stuff. And I’ll lead you by the hand through the whole process, so it feels effortless.

How does a fully bespoke wedding ceremony come together?

Step 1 – meet and greet

Let’s chat! Book a Zoom call straight into my calendar at a time that suits you.

If you’d prefer to meet in person, pop your details in my contact form , then we can make a time to catch up and see if I’d be a good fit as your Celebrant.

Step 2 – get creative (with my help)

You’ll receive access to my wedding ceremony planning tools that I’ve honed over a decade and a half as a professional celebrant. These resources are going to be a game-changer for you. For instance, writing your own personal vows might seem a bit daunting if you don’t know where to start. But if you use my Vow-Writing Cheat Sheet, you’ll be amazed at how easily the ideas will flow. Other resources you’ll receive include my Couples’ Questionnaire, Tips for Creating your Music Playlist, and an ever-evolving collection of readings, rituals and other ideas.

Step 3 – design meeting

We’ll get together for a design meeting to plan the flow of your ceremony. You can share your ideas and vision with me, and I’ll show you all sorts of possibilities to see which options really resonate with you. 

As a result of this simple process, I’ll have the foundation for writing a ceremony script, just for you. It will be authentic, uplifting, and brimming with your personalities and humour. Of course, I’ll also lead you through the legal requirements along the way.

Don’t worry if you live far from me… I have the tools to make this planning process easy, even for my remote clients.

Step 4 – rehearse

For Fully Customised Weddings, we’ll get together one more time in the days before your wedding to make sure you feel comfortable with how it is all going to work. Your wedding party is welcome to join us for a walk-through. (And don’t worry… we can substitute this with a phone call or Zoom if time is in short supply!)

And then, all that is left is for you both to say ‘I Do.’

Your perfect day, delivered.

If this sounds like the kind of experience you’re hoping for, let’s do it! Let’s make your wedding unforgettable.

Naturally, if you’re having an elopement, ‘legals only’, vow renewal, commitment or baby naming ceremony, this process will vary, and I’ll happily talk you through it.

Lorraine Wright wearing a dusky pink top standing behind a white counter holding a pink coffee mug in a neutral kitchen with pale pink flowers and a fruit bowl in the background and a plate of cookies on the bench
Lorraine Wright wearing a cerise Portmans sleeveless dress sitting at a wooden picnic table in a garden surrounded by pink Bougainvillea flowers holding an ipad and pen and looking over to clients